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Urdu Meaning |
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beatification |
سَعادَتِ ابدی ۔ حَقیقی خُوشی ۔ |
(1) - Beatification (n.) The act of beatifying, or the state of being beatified; esp., in the R. C. Church, the act or process of ascertaining and declaring that a deceased person is one of "the blessed," or has attained the second degree of sanctity, -- usually a stage in the process of canonization. |
beatify |
روحانی خوشی سے نہال کرنے والا ۔ |
(1) - Beatify (v. t.) To ascertain and declare, by a public process and decree, that a deceased person is one of "the blessed" and is to be reverenced as such, though not canonized. (2) - Beatify (v. t.) To make happy; to bless with the completion of celestial enjoyment. (3) - Beatify (v. t.) To pronounce or regard as happy, or supremely blessed, or as conferring happiness. |
beating |
مار ۔ سزا ۔ |
(1) - Beating (n.) The process of sailing against the wind by tacks in zigzag direction. (2) - Beating (n.) Pulsative sounds. See Beat, n. (3) - Beating (n.) Pulsation; throbbing; as, the beating of the heart. (4) - Beating (n.) The act of striking or giving blows; punishment or chastisement by blows. (5) - Beating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Beat |
beatitude |
بَرکَت ۔ اعلی تَرین سَعادَت ۔ حضرت مسِیحؑ کے پہاڑی وعظ کی مُبارکبادیاں ۔ |
(1) - Beatitude (n.) Beatification. (2) - Beatitude (n.) Any one of the nine declarations (called the Beatitudes), made in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. v. 3-12), with regard to the blessedness of those who are distinguished by certain specified virtues. (3) - Beatitude (n.) Felicity of the highest kind; consummate bliss. |
beatnik |
غیر مُقلَد ۔ آذاد مُشرَب ۔ |