blanch |
سفید کرنا ۔ اجلا کرنا ۔ |
(1) - Blanch (n.) Ore, not in masses, but mixed with other minerals. (2) - Blanch (v. i.) To use evasion. (3) - Blanch (v. t.) To cause to turn aside or back; as, to blanch a deer. (4) - Blanch (v. t.) To avoid, as from fear; to evade; to leave unnoticed. (5) - Blanch (v. i.) To grow or become white; as, his cheek blanched with fear; the rose blanches in the sun. (6) - Blanch (a.) Fig.: To whiten; to give a favorable appearance to; to whitewash; to palliate. (7) - Blanch (a.) To cover (sheet iron) with a coating of tin. (8) - Blanch (a.) To give a white luster to (silver, before stamping, in the process of coining.). (9) - Blanch (a.) To whiten, as the surface of meat, by plunging into boiling water and afterwards into cold, so as to harden the surface and retain the juices. (10) - Blanch (a.) To make white by removing the skin of, as by scalding; as, to blanch almonds. (11) - Blanch (a.) To bleach by excluding the light, as the stalks or leaves of plants, by earthing them up or tying them together. (12) - Blanch (a.) To take the color out of, and make white; to bleach; as, to blanch linen; age has blanched his hair. |
blancher |
رَنگ کاٹ ۔ سَفید بَنانے والا ۔ اُجالنے والا ۔ |
(1) - Blancher (n.) One who, or that which, frightens away or turns aside. (2) - Blancher (n.) One who, or that which, blanches or whitens; esp., one who anneals and cleanses money; also, a chemical preparation for this purpose. |