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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 506-510 of 835

Page 102 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دو رخا پتھر ۔


لکڑی کا فرش ۔
(1) - Parquet (n.) Same as Parquetry.
(2) - Parquet (n.) A body of seats on the floor of a music hall or theater nearest the orchestra; but commonly applied to the whole lower floor of a theater, from the orchestra to the dress circle; the pit.


لکڑی سے بنایا ہُوا بچی کاری کا کام ۔
(1) - Parquetry (n.) A species of joinery or cabinet-work consisting of an inlay of geometric or other patterns, generally of different colors, -- used especially for floors.


والدین کُشانہ ۔ بدر یا مادر کُشی سے مُتَعلِّق ۔
(1) - Parricidal (a.) Of or pertaining to parricide; guilty of parricide.


پدر کش ۔ محسن کش ۔ غداری ۔
(1) - Parricide (n.) The act or crime of murdering one's own father or any ancestor.
(2) - Parricide (n.) Properly, one who murders one's own father; in a wider sense, one who murders one's father or mother or any ancestor.