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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 506-510 of 1113

Page 102 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


کانپتا ہوا ۔
(1) - Tremulous (a.) Affected with fear or timidity; trembling.
(2) - Tremulous (a.) Shaking; shivering; quivering; as, a tremulous limb; a tremulous motion of the hand or the lips; the tremulous leaf of the poplar.


کانپتے ہوئے ۔


ارتعاش ۔ کپکپی ۔


خندق کھودنا ۔ کھائی بنانا ۔ نالی کھودنا ۔ کھودنا ۔
(1) - Trench (v. t.) An excavation made during a siege, for the purpose of covering the troops as they advance toward the besieged place. The term includes the parallels and the approaches.
(2) - Trench (v. t.) An alley; a narrow path or walk cut through woods, shrubbery, or the like.
(3) - Trench (v. t.) A long, narrow cut in the earth; a ditch; as, a trench for draining land.
(4) - Trench (v. i.) To have direction; to aim or tend.
(5) - Trench (v. i.) To encroach; to intrench.
(6) - Trench (v. t.) To dig or cultivate very deeply, usually by digging parallel contiguous trenches in succession, filling each from the next; as, to trench a garden for certain crops.
(7) - Trench (v. t.) To cut furrows or ditches in; as, to trench land for the purpose of draining it.
(8) - Trench (v. t.) To fortify by cutting a ditch, and raising a rampart or breastwork with the earth thrown out of the ditch; to intrench.
(9) - Trench (v. t.) To cut; to form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, or the like.


سختی ۔ حدت ۔ زور ۔