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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 541-545 of 1113

Page 109 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


قابل آزمائش ۔ لائق امتحان ۔
(1) - Triable (a.) Liable to undergo a judicial examination; properly coming under the cognizance of a court; as, a cause may be triable before one court which is not triable in another.
(2) - Triable (a.) Fit or possible to be tried; liable to be subjected to trial or test.


اِمتحانی اِستعداد ۔ قابلِ چارہ جوئی ہونے کی حالَت ۔ آزمائشی قابلیت ۔ نالَش پذیری ۔
(1) - Triableness (n.) Quality or state of being triable.


سَہ تیزابہ ۔ یَک اساسی تیزاب کے تین سالمات سے تَرکیب پانے کے قابِل جِن میں تین تَبَدُّل پذیر ہائیڈروجن ایٹم ہوں ۔
(1) - Triacid (a.) Capable of neutralizing three molecules of a monobasic acid or the equivalent; having three hydrogen atoms which may be acid radicals; -- said of certain bases; thus, glycerin is a triacid base.


تکڑی ۔ تین کی ٹکڑی ۔
(1) - Triad (n.) An element or radical whose valence is three.
(2) - Triad (n.) The common chord, consisting of a tone with its third and fifth, with or without the octave.
(3) - Triad (n.) A chord of three notes.
(4) - Triad (n.) A union of three; three objects treated as one; a ternary; a trinity; as, a triad of deities.


سَہ فَلزی ۔ تَثلیثی ۔
(1) - Triadic (a.) Having the characteristics of a triad; as, boron is triadic.