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Index of English words, starting with "fi"

Showing: 51-55 of 276

Page 11 of 56


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


بَناوَٹی ۔ اَفسانوی ۔ خَیالی ۔ فَرضی ۔ خَیالی تَخلِیق کے قابِل ۔
(1) - Fictive (a.) Feigned; counterfeit.


لکڑی یا لوہے کی بلی جو مستول میں لگائی جاتی ہے ۔ کھونٹا ۔
(1) - Fid (n.) A block of wood used in mounting and dismounting heavy guns.
(2) - Fid (n.) A pin of hard wood, tapering to a point, used to open the strands of a rope in splicing.
(3) - Fid (n.) A wooden or metal bar or pin, used to support or steady anything.
(4) - Fid (n.) A square bar of wood or iron, used to support the topmast, being passed through a hole or mortise at its heel, and resting on the trestle trees.


سارنگی ۔ پکتارا ۔ چوتارا ۔ سا رنگ ۔ لغو ۔
(1) - Fiddle (v. t.) To play (a tune) on a fiddle.
(2) - Fiddle (v. i.) To keep the hands and fingers actively moving as a fiddler does; to move the hands and fingers restlessy or in busy idleness; to trifle.
(3) - Fiddle (v. i.) To play on a fiddle.
(4) - Fiddle (n.) A rack or frame of bars connected by strings, to keep table furniture in place on the cabin table in bad weather.
(5) - Fiddle (n.) A kind of dock (Rumex pulcher) with fiddle-shaped leaves; -- called also fiddle dock.
(6) - Fiddle (n.) A stringed instrument of music played with a bow; a violin; a kit.


بے وُقعَت ۔ ذَرا سی بات پَر ہَنگامَہ ۔ شور وغُل ۔ اُودَھم ۔ ہَنگامَہ ۔
(1) - Fiddle-faddle (v. i.) To talk nonsense.


احمقانہ گفتگو ۔ بکواس ۔