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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 566-570 of 1424

Page 114 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


غالب ۔ زبردست ۔ برتر ۔
(1) - Prevalent (a.) Most generally received or current; most widely adopted or practiced; also, generally or extensively existing; widespread; prevailing; as, a prevalent observance; prevalent disease.
(2) - Prevalent (a.) Gaining advantage or superiority; having superior force, influence, or efficacy; prevailing; predominant; successful; victorious.


رواجاً ۔ عام طور پر ۔
(1) - Prevalently (adv.) In a prevalent manner.


غالب ۔ برتر اثر رکھنے والا ۔ رائج ۔ جاری ۔


غالب آنے کے انداز سے ۔


حیلہ بہانا کرنا ۔ ہیر پھیر کرنا ۔ ٹال مٹول کرنا ۔
(1) - Prevaricate (v. t.) To evade by a quibble; to transgress; to pervert.
(2) - Prevaricate (v. i.) To undertake a thing falsely and deceitfully, with the purpose of defeating or destroying it.
(3) - Prevaricate (v. i.) To collude, as where an informer colludes with the defendant, and makes a sham prosecution.
(4) - Prevaricate (v. i.) To shift or turn from one side to the other, from the direct course, or from truth; to speak with equivocation; to shuffle; to quibble; as, he prevaricates in his statement.