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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 571-575 of 835

Page 115 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دقیق ۔ جُداگانہ اور خفیف جزئیات پر مُشتَمِل ۔ دقیق ۔ جدا گانہ ۔
(1) - Particulate (a.) Referring to, or produced by, particles, such as dust, minute germs, etc.
(2) - Particulate (a.) Having the form of a particle.
(3) - Particulate (v. t. & i.) To particularize.


جدائی ۔ علیحدگی ۔ تفرقہ ۔
(1) - Parting (n.) Lamellar separation in a crystallized mineral, due to some other cause than cleavage, as to the presence of twinning lamellae.
(2) - Parting (n.) The breaking, as of a cable, by violence.
(3) - Parting (n.) A joint or fissure, as in a coal seam.
(4) - Parting (n.) The separation and determination of alloys; esp., the separation, as by acids, of gold from silver in the assay button.
(5) - Parting (n.) The surface of the sand of one section of a mold where it meets that of another section.
(6) - Parting (n.) A surface or line of separation where a division occurs.
(7) - Parting (n.) A separation; a leave-taking.
(8) - Parting (n.) The act of parting or dividing; the state of being parted; division; separation.
(9) - Parting (v.) Admitting of being parted; partible.
(10) - Parting (v.) Departing.
(11) - Parting (v.) Given when departing; as, a parting shot; a parting salute.
(12) - Parting (v.) Serving to part; dividing; separating.
(13) - Parting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Part


ہمراہی ۔ طرفدار ۔
(1) - Partisan (n.) A kind of halberd or pike; also, a truncheon; a staff.
(2) - Partisan (a.) Serving as a partisan in a detached command; as, a partisan officer or corps.
(3) - Partisan (a.) Adherent to a party or faction; especially, having the character of blind, passionate, or unreasonable adherence to a party; as, blinded by partisan zeal.
(4) - Partisan (n.) Any member of such a corps.
(5) - Partisan (n.) The commander of a body of detached light troops engaged in making forays and harassing an enemy.
(6) - Partisan (n.) An adherent to a party or faction; esp., one who is strongly and passionately devoted to a party or an interest.


کورانہ حمایت ۔ بے جا حمایت ۔ طرفداری ۔
(1) - Partisanship (n.) The state of being a partisan, or adherent to a party; feelings or conduct appropriate to a partisan.


پھٹا ہوا ۔ دریدہ ۔
(1) - Partite (a.) Divided nearly to the base; as, a partite leaf is a simple separated down nearly to the base.