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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 571-575 of 1424

Page 115 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


پیر پھیر ۔ حیلہ ۔ بہانہ ۔
(1) - Prevarication (n.) A false or deceitful seeming to undertake a thing for the purpose of defeating or destroying it.
(2) - Prevarication (n.) The collusion of an informer with the defendant, for the purpose of making a sham prosecution.
(3) - Prevarication (n.) A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office.
(4) - Prevarication (n.) The act of prevaricating, shuffling, or quibbling, to evade the truth or the disclosure of truth; a deviation from the truth and fair dealing.


گول مول باتیں کرنے والا ۔ ٹال مٹول کرنے والا ۔
(1) - Prevaricator (n.) One who betrays or abuses a trust.
(2) - Prevaricator (n.) A sham dealer; one who colludes with a defendant in a sham prosecution.
(3) - Prevaricator (n.) One who prevaricates.


دوسرے کی ضروریات کا لحاظ یا ان پر توجہ ۔
(1) - Prevenance (n.) A going before; anticipation in sequence or order.


سابق ۔ پیشین ۔ انسدادی ۔ امتناعی ۔
(1) - Prevenient (a.) Going before; preceding; hence, preventive.


منع کرنا ۔ باز رکھنا ۔ مزاھم ہونا ۔ رھنمائی کرنا ۔
(1) - Prevent (v. i.) To come before the usual time.
(2) - Prevent (v. t.) To intercept; to hinder; to frustrate; to stop; to thwart.
(3) - Prevent (v. t.) To be beforehand with; to anticipate.
(4) - Prevent (v. t.) To go before; to precede; hence, to go before as a guide; to direct.