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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 581-585 of 835

Page 117 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


قدرے ۔ کسی قدر ۔


چُنٹی دوپٹہ ۔ ایک چنٹوں والا لِباس جو سولھویں صدی میں عورتیں گردن اور مونڈھوں کے گِرد پہنتی تھیں ۔
(1) - Partlet (n.) A hen; -- so called from the ruffing of her neck feathers.
(2) - Partlet (n.) A covering for the neck, and sometimes for the shoulders and breast; originally worn by both sexes, but laterby women alone; a ruff.


کچھ کچھ ۔ تھوڑا سا ۔
(1) - Partly (adv.) In part; in some measure of degree; not wholly.


شریک ۔ ساتھی ۔ حصہ دار ۔
(1) - Partner (v. t.) To associate, to join.
(2) - Partner (n.) A framework of heavy timber surrounding an opening in a deck, to strengthen it for the support of a mast, pump, capstan, or the like.
(3) - Partner (n.) An associate in any business or occupation; a member of a partnership. See Partnership.
(4) - Partner (n.) One who has a part in anything with an other; a partaker; an associate; a sharer. "Partner of his fortune." Shak. Hence: (a) A husband or a wife. (b) Either one of a couple who dance together. (c) One who shares as a member of a partnership in the management, or in the gains and losses, of a business.


حصہ داری ۔ شرکت ۔
(1) - Partnership (n.) See Fellowship, n., 6.
(2) - Partnership (n.) A contract between two or more competent persons for joining together their money, goods, labor, and skill, or any or all of them, under an understanding that there shall be a communion of profit between them, and for the purpose of carrying on a legal trade, business, or adventure.
(3) - Partnership (n.) An alliance or association of persons for the prosecution of an undertaking or a business on joint account; a company; a firm; a house; as, to form a partnership.
(4) - Partnership (n.) A division or sharing among partners; joint possession or interest.
(5) - Partnership (n.) The state or condition of being a partner; as, to be in partnership with another; to have partnership in the fortunes of a family or a state.