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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 586-590 of 1113

Page 118 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جمہور کا نمائندہ جو عوام کے حقوق کی حفاظت کرتا تھا ۔ فوجی افسر ۔
(1) - Tribune (n.) Anciently, a bench or elevated place, from which speeches were delivered; in France, a kind of pulpit in the hall of the legislative assembly, where a member stands while making an address; any place occupied by a public orator.
(2) - Tribune (n.) An officer or magistrate chosen by the people, to protect them from the oppression of the patricians, or nobles, and to defend their liberties against any attempts that might be made upon them by the senate and consuls.


وکیل جمھور کا عہدہ اور کارکردگی ۔
(1) - Tribuneship (n.) The office or power of a tribune.


اِمدادی طور پَر ۔ باج گُزارانہ طریقے سے ۔


ماتحت ۔ باجگزاری ۔
(1) - Tributariness (n.) The quality or state of being tributary.


خراج دینے والا ۔ امدادی فوج ۔
(1) - Tributary (n.) A stream or river flowing into a larger river or into a lake; an affluent.
(2) - Tributary (n.) A ruler or state that pays tribute, or a stated sum, to a conquering power, for the purpose of securing peace and protection, or as an acknowledgment of submission, or for the purchase of security.
(3) - Tributary (a.) Yielding supplies of any kind; serving to form or make up, a greater object of the same kind, as a part, branch, etc.; contributing; as, the Ohio has many tributary streams, and is itself tributary to the Mississippi.
(4) - Tributary (a.) Paid in tribute.
(5) - Tributary (a.) Hence, subject; subordinate; inferior.
(6) - Tributary (a.) Paying tribute to another, either from compulsion, as an acknowledgment of submission, or to secure protection, or for the purpose of purchasing peace.