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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 636-640 of 835

Page 128 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جوش ۔ جذبہ ۔ ولولہ ۔
(1) - Passion (v. i.) To suffer pain or sorrow; to experience a passion; to be extremely agitated.
(2) - Passion (v. t.) To give a passionate character to.
(3) - Passion (n.) Passion week. See Passion week, below.
(4) - Passion (n.) Disorder of the mind; madness.
(5) - Passion (n.) The state of the mind when it is powerfully acted upon and influenced by something external to itself; the state of any particular faculty which, under such conditions, becomes extremely sensitive or uncontrollably excited; any emotion or sentiment (specifically, love or anger) in a state of abnormal or controlling activity; an extreme or inordinate desire; also, the capacity or susceptibility of being so affected; as, to be in a passion; the passions of love, hate, jealously, wrath, ambition, avarice, fear, etc.; a passion for war, or for drink; an orator should have passion as well as rhetorical skill.
(6) - Passion (n.) Capacity of being affected by external agents; susceptibility of impressions from external agents.
(7) - Passion (n.) The state of being acted upon; subjection to an external agent or influence; a passive condition; -- opposed to action.
(8) - Passion (n.) A suffering or enduring of imposed or inflicted pain; any suffering or distress (as, a cardiac passion); specifically, the suffering of Christ between the time of the last supper and his death, esp. in the garden upon the cross.


ایک کِتاب جِس میں مسیحی اولیا و شہدا کے مصائب بیان کیے گئے ہیں ۔ جِس میں اونچی حستّیون کے مسائب بیان کیے گئے ہوں ۔
(1) - Passional (n.) A passionary.
(2) - Passional (a.) Of or pertaining to passion or the passions; exciting, influenced by, or ministering to, the passions.


پرجوش ۔ گرم مزاج ۔ تند خو ۔
(1) - Passionate (v. i.) To express feelingly or sorrowfully.
(2) - Passionate (v. i.) To affect with passion; to impassion.
(3) - Passionate (a.) Suffering; sorrowful.
(4) - Passionate (a.) Characterized by passion; expressing passion; ardent in feeling or desire; vehement; warm; as, a passionate friendship.
(5) - Passionate (a.) Capable or susceptible of passion, or of different passions; easily moved, excited or agitated; specifically, easily moved to anger; irascible; quick-tempered; as, a passionate nature.


تند مزاجی سے ۔ پرجوش طریقے سے ۔
(1) - Passionately (adv.) Angrily; irascibly.
(2) - Passionately (adv.) In a passionate manner; with strong feeling; ardently.


گُل صلیبی ۔ جرح فلک ۔ شرک الفلک ۔ گُلِ صلیبی ۔ جرحِ فلک ۔