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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 636-640 of 1424

Page 128 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


اسقف اعظم کا عہدہ ۔ فضیلت ۔
(1) - Primacy (a.) The office, rank, or character of a primate; the chief ecclesiastical station or dignity in a national church; the office or dignity of an archbishop; as, the primacy of England.
(2) - Primacy (a.) The state or condition of being prime or first, as in time, place, rank, etc., hence, excellency; supremacy.


نغمیہ ناٹک میں خاص گلوکاری عورت ۔ فوقیت ۔ برتری ۔


بادی النظر میں ۔ بدیہی طور پر ۔


زائد رقم جو جہاز راں کمپنی کو اس لیے دی جاتی ہے کہ مال چڑھانے اور اتارنے میں احتیاط برتی جائے ۔ زر احتیاط ۔
(1) - Primage (n.) A charge in addition to the freight; originally, a gratuity to the captain for his particular care of the goods (sometimes called hat money), but now belonging to the owners or freighters of the vessel, unless by special agreement the whole or part is assigned to the captain.


پہلا ۔ ابتدائی ۔ بنیادی ۔
(1) - Primal (a.) First; primary; original; chief.