dialogue |
مُکالمہ ۔ گفتگو ۔ ہم کلامی ۔ دو اشخاص کے درمیان گفتگو ۔ گفتگو میں شرکت کرنا ۔ |
(1) - Dialogue (v. t.) To express as in dialogue. (2) - Dialogue (v. i.) To take part in a dialogue; to dialogize. (3) - Dialogue (n.) A written composition in which two or more persons are represented as conversing or reasoning on some topic; as, the Dialogues of Plato. (4) - Dialogue (n.) A conversation between two or more persons; particularly, a formal conservation in theatrical performances or in scholastic exercises. |
dialysis |
رق پاشی ۔ رق پاشیدگی ۔ باریک چادر میں چھان کر اجزا کو الگ کرنے کا عمل ۔ تصرق ۔ محلُول میں اشیا کی علیحدَگی جو کِسی سام دار جھِلّی میں سے اِن کے مُختَلِف نَفُوذ کی وجہ سے ہوتی ہے ۔ مَثلاً گُردے میں ۔ |
(1) - Dialysis (n.) The separation of different substances in solution, as crystalloids and colloids, by means of their unequal diffusion, especially through natural or artificial membranes. (2) - Dialysis (n.) A solution of continuity; division; separation of parts. (3) - Dialysis (n.) Debility. (4) - Dialysis (n.) Same as Asyndeton. (5) - Dialysis (n.) Diaeresis. See Diaeresis, 1. |