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Index of English words, starting with "an"

Showing: 656-660 of 671

Page 132 of 135


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


دافع تَشویش ۔ بے قَراری یا پَریشانی کو کَم کَرتا ہے ۔


تردد خیز ۔ تشویش ناک ۔ پریشان کن ۔
(1) - Anxious (a.) Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please.
(2) - Anxious (a.) Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying; -- applied to things; as, anxious labor.
(3) - Anxious (a.) Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, esp. respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; -- applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of a battle.


بے تابانَہ ۔ مُضطَرِبانَہ ۔
(1) - Anxiously (adv.) In an anxious manner; with painful uncertainty; solicitously.


بے تابی ۔ اِضطَراب ۔
(1) - Anxiousness (n.) The quality of being anxious; great solicitude; anxiety.


کوئی کوئی سا ۔ کچھ بھی ۔
(1) - Any (adv.) To any extent; in any degree; at all.
(2) - Any (a. & pron.) Some, of whatever kind, quantity, or number; as, are there any witnesses present? are there any other houses like it?
(3) - Any (a. & pron.) One indifferently, out of an indefinite number; one indefinitely, whosoever or whatsoever it may be.