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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 656-660 of 835

Page 132 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


گزشتہ ۔ ماضی ۔ گزرا ہوا ۔
(1) - Past (adv.) By; beyond; as, he ran past.
(2) - Past (prep.) Above; exceeding; more than.
(3) - Past (prep.) Beyond, in time; after; as, past the hour.
(4) - Past (prep.) Beyond, in position, or degree; further than; beyond the reach or influence of.
(5) - Past (n.) A former time or state; a state of things gone by.
(6) - Past (v.) Of or pertaining to a former time or state; neither present nor future; gone by; elapsed; ended; spent; as, past troubles; past offences.


فتیری آٹا ۔ بغیر خمیر کے گُندھا ہوا آٹا ۔


چپکانا ۔ چسپاں کرنا ۔ نرم حلوہ ۔ کھیر ۔
(1) - Paste (v. t.) To unite with paste; to fasten or join by means of paste.
(2) - Paste (n.) The mineral substance in which other minerals are imbedded.
(3) - Paste (n.) A soft confection made of the inspissated juice of fruit, licorice, or the like, with sugar, etc.
(4) - Paste (n.) A highly refractive vitreous composition, variously colored, used in making imitations of precious stones or gems. See Strass.
(5) - Paste (n.) A kind of cement made of flour and water, starch and water, or the like, -- used for uniting paper or other substances, as in bookbinding, etc., -- also used in calico printing as a vehicle for mordant or color.
(6) - Paste (n.) Specifically, in cookery, a dough prepared for the crust of pies and the like; pastry dough.
(7) - Paste (n.) A soft composition, as of flour moistened with water or milk, or of earth moistened to the consistence of dough, as in making potter's ware.


دفتی ۔ پٹھا ۔
(1) - Pasteboard (n.) A board on which pastry dough is rolled; a molding board.
(2) - Pasteboard (n.) A stiff thick kind of paper board, formed of several single sheets pasted one upon another, or of paper macerated and pressed into molds, etc.


رنگدار پنسل بنانے کا مسالہ ۔
(1) - Pastel (n.) A plant affording a blue dye; the woad (Isatis tinctoria); also, the dye itself.
(2) - Pastel (n.) A crayon made of a paste composed of a color ground with gum water.