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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 666-670 of 1424

Page 134 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


بنیادی ۔ ابتدائی ۔ اولین ۔
(1) - Primordial (n.) A first principle or element.
(2) - Primordial (a.) Originally or earliest formed in the growth of an individual or organ; as, a primordial leaf; a primordial cell.
(3) - Primordial (a.) Of or pertaining to the lowest beds of the Silurian age, corresponding to the Acadian and Potsdam periods in American geology. It is called also Cambrian, and by many geologists is separated from the Silurian.
(4) - Primordial (a.) First in order; primary; original; of earliest origin; as, primordial condition.


قدامت ۔ ابتداء ہونا ۔ اصلی ہونا ۔


آغاز میں ۔ اصلی حیثیت میں ۔
(1) - Primordially (adv.) At the beginning; under the first order of things; originally.


قدامت پسندوں کی ایک جماعت ۔


جنگلی گلاب ۔ ایک قسم کا گلاب ۔
(1) - Primrose (a.) Of or pertaining to the primrose; of the color of a primrose; -- hence, flowery; gay.
(2) - Primrose (a.) Any plant of the genus Primula.
(3) - Primrose (a.) An early flowering plant of the genus Primula (P. vulgaris) closely allied to the cowslip. There are several varieties, as the white-, the red-, the yellow-flowered, etc. Formerly called also primerole, primerolles.