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Index of English words, starting with "ch"

Showing: 721-725 of 865

Page 145 of 173


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


چینی مُربہ ۔ مخلوط اچار ۔ چُوچُو کا مربہ ۔


مچھلی کا دو پیازہ ۔ گاڑھا شوربہ ۔ ماہی دو پیازہ ۔
(1) - Chowder (v. t.) To make a chowder of.
(2) - Chowder (n.) A seller of fish.
(3) - Chowder (n.) A dish made of fresh fish or clams, biscuit, onions, etc., stewed together.


کتاب اقتباسات ۔ بیاض ۔ اقتباس نامہ ۔
(1) - Chrestomathy (n.) A selection of passages, with notes, etc., to be used in acquiring a language; as, a Hebrew chrestomathy.


متبرک تیل ۔ پاک کیا ہوا تیل ۔
(1) - Chrism (n.) The same as Chrisom.
(2) - Chrism (n.) Olive oil mixed with balm and spices, consecrated by the bishop on Maundy Thursday, and used in the administration of baptism, confirmation, ordination, etc.


چادرِ بپتسمہ ۔ سفید چادر ۔
(1) - Chrisom (n.) A child which died within a month after its baptism; -- so called from the chrisom cloth which was used as a shroud for it.
(2) - Chrisom (n.) A white cloth, anointed with chrism, or a white mantle thrown over a child when baptized or christened.