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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 726-730 of 1424

Page 146 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


اخفا ۔ پوشیدگی ۔
(1) - Privateness (n.) The state of one not invested with public office.
(2) - Privateness (n.) Seclusion from company or society; retirement; privacy; secrecy.


بول و براز کا اعضاء ۔


ذاتی مال و اسباب ۔


تنگی ۔ عسرت ۔ تنگ دستی ۔
(1) - Privation (n.) The condition of being absent; absence; negation.
(2) - Privation (n.) The state of being deprived or destitute of something, especially of something required or desired; destitution; need; as, to undergo severe privations.
(3) - Privation (n.) The act of depriving, or taking away; hence, the depriving of rank or office; degradation in rank; deprivation.


سلبی ۔ منفی ۔ معدوم ۔ نقصان رساں ۔
(1) - Privative (n.) A privative prefix or suffix. See Privative, a., 3.
(2) - Privative (n.) A term indicating the absence of any quality which might be naturally or rationally expected; -- called also privative term.
(3) - Privative (n.) That of which the essence is the absence of something.
(4) - Privative (a.) Implying privation or negation; giving a negative force to a word; as, alpha privative; privative particles; -- applied to such prefixes and suffixes as a- (Gr. /), un-, non-, -less.
(5) - Privative (a.) Consisting in the absence of something; not positive; negative.
(6) - Privative (a.) Causing privation; depriving.