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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 736-740 of 1424

Page 148 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


شرکت ۔ تعلق ۔ راز ۔
(1) - Privity (a.) A connection, or bond of union, between parties, as to some particular transaction; mutual or successive relationship to the same rights of property.
(2) - Privity (a.) The genitals; the privates.
(3) - Privity (a.) A private matter or business; a secret.
(4) - Privity (a.) Private knowledge; joint knowledge with another of a private concern; cognizance implying consent or concurrence.
(5) - Privity (a.) Privacy; secrecy; confidence.


خاص ۔ نجی ۔ شخصی ۔ خفیہ ۔
(1) - Privy (n.) A necessary house or place; a backhouse.
(2) - Privy (n.) A partaker; a person having an interest in any action or thing; one who has an interest in an estate created by another; a person having an interest derived from a contract or conveyance to which he is not himself a party. The term, in its proper sense, is distinguished from party.
(3) - Privy (a.) Admitted to knowledge of a secret transaction; secretly cognizant; privately knowing.
(4) - Privy (a.) Appropriated to retirement; private; not open to the public.
(5) - Privy (a.) Secret; clandestine.
(6) - Privy (a.) Of or pertaining to some person exclusively; assigned to private uses; not public; private; as, the privy purse.


دیوان خاص ۔


مجلس مشورت حکمرانی ۔


انعام ۔ وہ چیز جس کے حصول کے لیے مقابلہ کرنا پڑے ۔ بیش بہا چیز ۔ قدر کی چیز ۔ ممتاز نمونہ ۔ قدر کرنا ۔ بیش بہا قیمت سمجھنا ۔ روپیہ جو دشمن کے جھازوں اور مال کی فروخت سے حاصل ہو ۔ بیرم سے کھولنا ۔
(1) - Prize (n.) Estimation; valuation.
(2) - Prize (v. t.) To value highly; to estimate to be of great worth; to esteem.
(3) - Prize (v. t.) To set or estimate the value of; to appraise; to price; to rate.
(4) - Prize (v. t.) To move with a lever; to force up or open; to pry.
(5) - Prize (n.) A lever; a pry; also, the hold of a lever.
(6) - Prize (n.) A contest for a reward; competition.
(7) - Prize (n.) Anything worth striving for; a valuable possession held or in prospect.
(8) - Prize (n.) That which may be won by chance, as in a lottery.
(9) - Prize (n.) An honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest; anything offered to be competed for, or as an inducement to, or reward of, effort.
(10) - Prize (n.) Anything captured by a belligerent using the rights of war; esp., property captured at sea in virtue of the rights of war, as a vessel.
(11) - Prize (n.) That which is taken from another; something captured; a thing seized by force, stratagem, or superior power.