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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 776-780 of 1424

Page 156 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


قاعدے کی رو سے ۔


طریقہ کار ۔ اسلوب کار ۔ کاروائی ۔ عمل درآمد ۔ دستور الا عمل ۔
(1) - Procedure (n.) That which results; issue; product.
(2) - Procedure (n.) A step taken; an act performed; a proceeding; the steps taken in an action or other legal proceeding.
(3) - Procedure (n.) The act or manner of proceeding or moving forward; progress; process; operation; conduct.


چلنا ۔ جانا ۔ آگے بڑھنا ۔ ترقی کرنا ۔ ابتداء کرنا ۔ آغاز کرنا ۔ کوئی طرز عمل اختیار کرنا ۔ کاروائی کرنا ۔ پیدا کرنا ۔ چارہ جوئی کرنا ۔ جاری رھنا ۔
(1) - Proceed (n.) See Proceeds.
(2) - Proceed (v. i.) To begin and carry on a legal process.
(3) - Proceed (v. i.) To have application or effect; to operate.
(4) - Proceed (v. i.) To be transacted; to take place; to occur.
(5) - Proceed (v. i.) To go on in an orderly or regulated manner; to begin and carry on a series of acts or measures; to act by method; to prosecute a design.
(6) - Proceed (v. i.) To issue or come forth as from a source or origin; to come from; as, light proceeds from the sun.
(7) - Proceed (v. i.) To pass from one point, topic, or stage, to another; as, to proceed with a story or argument.
(8) - Proceed (v. i.) To move, pass, or go forward or onward; to advance; to continue or renew motion begun; as, to proceed on a journey.


کاروائی ۔ روداد ۔ طریق کار ۔ طریق عمل ۔
(1) - Proceeding (n.) The course of procedure in the prosecution of an action at law.
(2) - Proceeding (n.) The act of one who proceeds, or who prosecutes a design or transaction; progress or movement from one thing to another; a measure or step taken in a course of business; a transaction; as, an illegal proceeding; a cautious or a violent proceeding.
(3) - Proceeding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Proceed


پیداوار ۔ منافع ۔ محاصل ۔ بکری ۔ فائدہ ۔
(1) - Proceeds (n. pl.) That which comes forth or results; effect; yield; issue; product; sum accruing from a sale, etc.