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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 851-855 of 1424

Page 171 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


عجیب و غریب انسان یا شے ۔
(1) - Prodigy (n.) A production out of ordinary course of nature; an abnormal development; a monster.
(2) - Prodigy (n.) Anything so extraordinary as to excite wonder or astonishment; a marvel; as, a prodigy of learning.
(3) - Prodigy (n.) Something extraordinary, or out of the usual course of nature, from which omens are drawn; a portent; as, eclipses and meteors were anciently deemed prodigies.


پیش علامتی ۔ اندازی ۔ پہلے ہونا ۔ پیش علامتی ۔
(1) - Prodromal (a.) Of or pertaining to prodromes; as, the prodromal stage of a disease.


تمہیدی یا تعارفی رسالہ ۔ کسی کتاب یا مقالہ کا ابتدائی باب ۔
(1) - Prodrome (n.) A forerunner; a precursor.


پیش کرنا ۔ روبرو کرنا ۔ پیدا کرنا ۔ منظر عام پر لانا ۔
(1) - Produce (n.) agricultural products.
(2) - Produce (n.) That which is produced, brought forth, or yielded; product; yield; proceeds; result of labor, especially of agricultural labors
(3) - Produce (v. i.) To yield or furnish appropriate offspring, crops, effects, consequences, or results.
(4) - Produce (v. t.) To extend; -- applied to a line, surface, or solid; as, to produce a side of a triangle.
(5) - Produce (v. t.) To draw out; to extend; to lengthen; to prolong; as, to produce a man's life to threescore.
(6) - Produce (v. t.) To yield or furnish; to gain; as, money at interest produces an income; capital produces profit.
(7) - Produce (v. t.) To give being or form to; to manufacture; to make; as, a manufacturer produces excellent wares.
(8) - Produce (v. t.) To cause to be or to happen; to originate, as an effect or result; to bring about; as, disease produces pain; vice produces misery.
(9) - Produce (v. t.) To bring forth, as young, or as a natural product or growth; to give birth to; to bear; to generate; to propagate; to yield; to furnish; as, the earth produces grass; trees produce fruit; the clouds produce rain.
(10) - Produce (v. t.) To bring forward; to lead forth; to offer to view or notice; to exhibit; to show; as, to produce a witness or evidence in court.


پیدا کیا ہوا ۔
(1) - Produced (imp. & p. p.) of Produce