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Index of English words, starting with "tr"

Showing: 876-880 of 1113

Page 176 of 223


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جشن فتح ۔ جیت ۔ فتح ۔ کامیابی ۔
(1) - Triumph (v. t.) To obtain a victory over; to prevail over; to conquer. Also, to cause to triumph.
(2) - Triumph (n.) To play a trump card.
(3) - Triumph (n.) To be prosperous; to flourish.
(4) - Triumph (n.) To obtain victory; to be successful; to prevail.
(5) - Triumph (n.) To celebrate victory with pomp; to rejoice over success; to exult in an advantage gained; to exhibit exultation.
(6) - Triumph (n.) A trump card; also, an old game at cards.
(7) - Triumph (n.) Success causing exultation; victory; conquest; as, the triumph of knowledge.
(8) - Triumph (n.) A state of joy or exultation for success.
(9) - Triumph (n.) Hence, any triumphal procession; a pompous exhibition; a stately show or pageant.
(10) - Triumph (n.) A magnificent and imposing ceremonial performed in honor of a general who had gained a decisive victory over a foreign enemy.


فتح کا ۔
(1) - Triumphal (n.) A token of victory.
(2) - Triumphal (a.) Of or pertaining to triumph; used in a triumph; indicating, or in honor of, a triumph or victory; as, a triumphal crown; a triumphal arch.


فاتحانہ طور پَر ۔


پر افتحار ۔ فتحیات ۔


فتح مندی سے ۔
(1) - Triumphantly (adv.) In a triumphant manner.