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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 931-935 of 1424

Page 187 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


تشخیص مرض ۔
(1) - Prognosis (n.) The act or art of foretelling the course and termination of a disease; also, the outlook afforded by this act of judgment; as, the prognosis of hydrophobia is bad.


پیش خبر ۔ پیش بین ۔
(1) - Prognostic (v. t.) To prognosticate.
(2) - Prognostic (a.) A sign or symptom indicating the course and termination of a disease.
(3) - Prognostic (a.) That which prognosticates; a sign by which a future event may be known or foretold; an indication; a sign or omen; hence, a foretelling; a prediction.
(4) - Prognostic (a.) Indicating something future by signs or symptoms; foreshowing; aiding in prognosis; as, the prognostic symptoms of a disease; prognostic signs.


جس کی پیشین گوئی کی جا سکے ۔
(1) - Prognosticable (a.) Capable of being prognosticated or foretold.


پیشن گوئی کرنا ۔ پہلے سے خبر دینا ۔
(1) - Prognosticate (v. t.) To indicate as future; to foretell from signs or symptoms; to prophesy; to foreshow; to predict; as, to prognosticate evil.


شگون ۔ فال ۔
(1) - Prognostication (n.) That which foreshows; a foretoken.
(2) - Prognostication (n.) The act of foreshowing or foretelling something future by present signs; prediction.