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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 951-955 of 1424

Page 191 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


ترقی پسندی ۔


ترقی پسند شخص ۔ ترقی کے اصولوں کا حامی ۔


منع کرنا ۔ باز رکھنا ۔ روکنا ۔ مزاحمت کرنا ۔
(1) - Prohibit (v. t.) To hinder; to debar; to prevent; to preclude.
(2) - Prohibit (v. t.) To forbid by authority; to interdict; as, God prohibited Adam from eating of the fruit of a certain tree; we prohibit a person from doing a thing, and also the doing of the thing; as, the law prohibits men from stealing, or it prohibits stealing.


روک ۔ رکاوٹ ۔ امتناعی حکم ۔
(1) - Prohibition (n.) Specifically, the forbidding by law of the sale of alcoholic liquors as beverages.
(2) - Prohibition (n.) The act of prohibiting; a declaration or injunction forbidding some action; interdict.


نشہ آور چیزوں کی فروخت کی ممانعت کا حامی ۔
(1) - Prohibitionist (n.) One who favors the prohibition of the sale (or of the sale and manufacture) of alcoholic liquors as beverages.
(2) - Prohibitionist (n.) One who favors prohibitory duties on foreign goods in commerce; a protectionist.