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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 986-990 of 1424

Page 198 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


اولاد کش ۔ اولاد کشی کے متعلق ۔


بچہ کشی ۔ اولاد کشی ۔
(1) - Prolicide (n.) The crime of destroying one's offspring, either in the womb or after birth.


ایک ہی پودے سے بچے پھوٹنا ۔ بڑھنا ۔ پیدا ہونا ۔
(1) - Proliferate (v. t.) To produce zooids by budding.
(2) - Proliferate (v. t.) To produce or form cells; especially, to produce cells rapidly.


اپنے جسم سے نئے بچے پیدا کرنا ۔ نئے پودے پیدا کرنے کی صلاحیت رکھنے والا ۔
(1) - Proliferous (a.) Producing a cluster of branchlets from a larger branch; -- said of corals.
(2) - Proliferous (a.) Producing sexual zooids by budding; -- said of the blastostyle of a hydroid.
(3) - Proliferous (a.) Producing young by budding.
(4) - Proliferous (a.) Bearing offspring; -- applied to a flower from within which another is produced, or to a branch or frond from which another rises, or to a plant which is reproduced by buds or gemmae.


بہتات سے پیدا کرنے والا ۔ بارآور ۔ ثمر دار ۔ زرخیز ۔
(1) - Prolific (a.) Proliferous.
(2) - Prolific (a.) Serving to produce; fruitful of results; active; as, a prolific brain; a controversy prolific of evil.
(3) - Prolific (a.) Having the quality of generating; producing young or fruit; generative; fruitful; productive; -- applied to plants producing fruit, animals producing young, etc.; -- usually with the implied idea of frequent or numerous production; as, a prolific tree, female, and the like.