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Index of English words, starting with "pl"

Showing: 101-105 of 429

Page 21 of 86


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


خاندان شجراں کا ۔ اِن فرمانروان اِنگلِستان کے سِلسِلے کا ۔


کیلا ۔ موز ۔ ایک قسم کا نرم تنے کا درخت ۔
(1) - Plantain (n.) Any plant of the genus Plantago, but especially the P. major, a low herb with broad spreading radical leaves, and slender spikes of minute flowers. It is a native of Europe, but now found near the abode of civilized man in nearly all parts of the world.
(2) - Plantain (n.) The fruit of this plant. It is long and somewhat cylindrical, slightly curved, and, when ripe, soft, fleshy, and covered with a thick but tender yellowish skin. The plantain is a staple article of food in most tropical countries, especially when cooked.
(3) - Plantain (n.) A treelike perennial herb (Musa paradisiaca) of tropical regions, bearing immense leaves and large clusters of the fruits called plantains. See Musa.


کف پا کے متعلق ۔
(1) - Plantar (a.) Of or pertaining to the sole of the foot; as, the plantar arteries.


شجر زار ۔ باغ ۔ پودے ۔
(1) - Plantation (n.) An original settlement in a new country; a colony.
(2) - Plantation (n.) The place planted; land brought under cultivation; a piece of ground planted with trees or useful plants; esp., in the United States and West Indies, a large estate appropriated to the production of the more important crops, and cultivated by laborers who live on the estate; as, a cotton plantation; a coffee plantation.
(3) - Plantation (n.) The act or practice of planting, or setting in the earth for growth.


کاشتکار ۔ کسان ۔
(1) - Planter (n.) A colonist in a new or uncultivated territory; as, the first planters in Virginia.
(2) - Planter (n.) One who owns or cultivates a plantation; as, a sugar planter; a coffee planter.
(3) - Planter (n.) One who, or that which, plants or sows; as, a planterof corn; a machine planter.