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Index of English words, starting with "as"

Showing: 106-110 of 302

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


(اسطوخودوس) اِسی نام و جِنس کی ایک بُوٹی جو گَرمی سَردی دھُول وَغیرہ کا مُقابِلَہ کَرنے کی سَکَّت رَکھتی ہے ؛ اس لِیے اِسے فولادی پودا بھی کہتے ہیں ۔


امیدوار ۔ آرزو مند ۔ طالب ۔
(1) - Aspirant (n.) One who aspires; one who eagerly seeks some high position or object of attainment.
(2) - Aspirant (a.) Aspiring.


آواز کو سانس کے ساتھ ادا کرنا ۔
(1) - Aspirate (a.) Alt. of Aspirated
(2) - Aspirate (n.) An elementary sound produced by the breath alone; a surd, or nonvocal consonant; as, f, th in thin, etc.
(3) - Aspirate (n.) A mark of aspiration (/) used in Greek; the asper, or rough breathing.
(4) - Aspirate (n.) A sound consisting of, or characterized by, a breath like the sound of h; the breathing h or a character representing such a sound; an aspirated sound.
(5) - Aspirate (v. t.) To pronounce with a breathing, an aspirate, or an h sound; as, we aspirate the words horse and house; to aspirate a vowel or a liquid consonant.


انتہائی آرزو ۔ سانس لینا ۔
(1) - Aspiration (n.) The act of aspiring of a ardently desiring; strong wish; high desire.
(2) - Aspiration (n.) The act of breathing; a breath; an inspiration.
(3) - Aspiration (n.) The act of aspirating; the pronunciation of a letter with a full or strong emission of breath; an aspirated sound.


باد کش ۔
(1) - Aspirator (n.) An instrument for the evacuation of the fluid contents of tumors or collections of blood.
(2) - Aspirator (n.) An apparatus for passing air or gases through or over certain liquids or solids, or for exhausting a closed vessel, by means of suction.