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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


اپنا ۔ سگا ۔ حقیقی ۔ موزوں ۔ لائق ۔ واجب ۔ مناسب ۔ ٹھیک ۔ درست ۔ صحیح ۔ کامل ۔ پکا ۔ شریف ۔
(1) - Proper (adv.) Properly; hence, to a great degree; very; as, proper good.
(2) - Proper (a.) Represented in its natural color; -- said of any object used as a charge.
(3) - Proper (a.) Rightly so called; strictly considered; as, Greece proper; the garden proper.
(4) - Proper (a.) Pertaining to one of a species, but not common to the whole; not appellative; -- opposed to common; as, a proper name; Dublin is the proper name of a city.
(5) - Proper (a.) Becoming in appearance; well formed; handsome.
(6) - Proper (a.) Befitting one's nature, qualities, etc.; suitable in all respect; appropriate; right; fit; decent; as, water is the proper element for fish; a proper dress.
(7) - Proper (a.) Belonging to the natural or essential constitution; peculiar; not common; particular; as, every animal has his proper instincts and appetites.
(8) - Proper (a.) Belonging to one; one's own; individual.


واجبی ۔ بخوبی ۔ خوش اسلوبی سے ۔
(1) - Properly (adv.) Individually; after one's own manner.
(2) - Properly (adv.) In a proper manner; suitably; fitly; strictly; rightly; as, a word properly applied; a dress properly adjusted.


معقولیت ۔ صحت ۔ مناسبت ۔ درستی ۔ خوش وضعی ۔ عمدگی ۔
(1) - Properness (n.) Tallness; comeliness.
(2) - Properness (n.) The quality of being proper.


جائیداد والا ۔
(1) - Propertied (a.) Possessing property; holding real estate, or other investments of money.


ملکیت ۔ خصوصیت ۔ صفت ۔ سامان ۔ جاندار ۔ املاک ۔
(1) - Property (v. t.) To make a property of; to appropriate.
(2) - Property (v. t.) To invest which properties, or qualities.
(3) - Property (a.) Propriety; correctness.
(4) - Property (a.) All the adjuncts of a play except the scenery and the dresses of the actors; stage requisites.
(5) - Property (a.) That to which a person has a legal title, whether in his possession or not; thing owned; an estate, whether in lands, goods, or money; as, a man of large property, or small property.
(6) - Property (a.) The exclusive right of possessing, enjoying, and disposing of a thing; ownership; title.
(7) - Property (a.) An acquired or artificial quality; that which is given by art, or bestowed by man; as, the poem has the properties which constitute excellence.
(8) - Property (a.) That which is proper to anything; a peculiar quality of a thing; that which is inherent in a subject, or naturally essential to it; an attribute; as, sweetness is a property of sugar.