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Index of English words, starting with "ju"

Showing: 111-115 of 159

Page 23 of 32


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


قانونی ۔ عدلیہ کے متعلق ۔
(1) - Juridical (a.) Pertaining to a judge or to jurisprudence; acting in the distribution of justice; used in courts of law; according to law; legal; as, juridical law.


قانُونی طَور پَر ۔ قانُوناً ۔ حَسبِ آئین یا قانُون ۔
(1) - Juridically (adv.) In a juridical manner.


مقنن ۔ ماہر قانون ۔
(1) - Jurisconsult (n.) A man learned in the civil law; an expert in juridical science; a professor of jurisprudence; a jurist.


عدالتی کاروائی ۔ عدالتی اختیار ۔ حلقہ عدلیہ ۔
(1) - Jurisdiction (a.) Sphere of authority; the limits within which any particular power may be exercised, or within which a government or a court has authority.
(2) - Jurisdiction (a.) The authority of a sovereign power to govern or legislate; the right of making or enforcing laws; the power or right of exercising authority.
(3) - Jurisdiction (a.) The legal power, right, or authority of a particular court to hear and determine causes, to try criminals, or to execute justice; judicial authority over a cause or class of causes; as, certain suits or actions, or the cognizance of certain crimes, are within the jurisdiction of a particular court, that is, within the limits of its authority or commission.


عدالَتی ۔ عدَل و اِنصاف کا ۔ نَظمِ عدَل سے مُتعلِق ۔ دائرَہ اِختِیار سے مُتعلِق ۔
(1) - Jurisdictional (a.) Of or pertaining to jurisdiction; as jurisdictional rights.