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Index of English words, starting with "se"

Showing: 1146-1150 of 1285

Page 230 of 257


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


عِبادَت نامہ ۔ دعانامہ ۔ وہ کِتاب جس میں مَذہَبی رسُومات ادا کرنے کے مُختَلِف طریقے درج ہوں ۔


ملازمت کرنے والا ۔


ملازمت کرنے والی خاتون ۔


دستر خوان ۔ دستر خوانی رومال ۔
(1) - Serviette (n.) A table napkin.


غلامانہ ۔ کمینہ ۔ غلاموں کی طرح ۔
(1) - Servile (n.) An element which forms no part of the original root; -- opposed to radical.
(2) - Servile (a.) Not itself sounded, but serving to lengthen the preceeding vowel, as e in tune.
(3) - Servile (a.) Not belonging to the original root; as, a servile letter.
(4) - Servile (a.) Held in subjection; dependent; enslaved.
(5) - Servile (a.) Of or pertaining to a servant or slave; befitting a servant or a slave; proceeding from dependence; hence, meanly submissive; slavish; mean; cringing; fawning; as, servile flattery; servile fear; servile obedience.