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Index of English words, starting with "bo"

Showing: 116-120 of 392

Page 24 of 79


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


گولہ باری کرنا ۔
(1) - Bombard (v. t.) To attack with bombards or with artillery; especially, to throw shells, hot shot, etc., at or into.
(2) - Bombard (n.) See Bombardo.
(3) - Bombard (n.) Padded breeches.
(4) - Bombard (n.) A large drinking vessel or can, or a leather bottle, for carrying liquor or beer.
(5) - Bombard (n.) A bombardment.
(6) - Bombard (n.) A piece of heavy ordnance formerly used for throwing stones and other ponderous missiles. It was the earliest kind of cannon.


توپ خانے کا ما تحت افسر ۔
(1) - Bombardier (n.) A noncommissioned officer in the British artillery.
(2) - Bombardier (n.) One who used or managed a bombard; an artilleryman; a gunner.


گولہ باری ۔
(1) - Bombardment (n.) An attack upon a fortress or fortified town, with shells, hot shot, rockets, etc.; the act of throwing bombs and shot into a town or fortified place.


بمبار ڈون ۔ مدھم سُروں کا برنجی باجا ۔ ارگن باجے کے مدھم سُر والے پردے ۔ مَدھَم سُروں والا بَرِنجی باجَہ ۔
(1) - Bombardon (n.) Originally, a deep-toned instrument of the oboe or bassoon family; thence, a bass reed stop on the organ. The name bombardon is now given to a brass instrument, the lowest of the saxhorns, in tone resembling the ophicleide.


کالا باریک ریشمی کپڑا ۔
(1) - Bombasine (n.) Same as Bombazine.