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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

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Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


ماہرِ دندان سازی ۔ دندان ساز ۔ ماہرِ استانبات ۔


جِس میں قورنیَہ اِنسانی یا حَیوانی نَسیج کے بَجائے کِسی دُوسری شے کا ہو ۔


فاحشہ ۔ رنڈی ۔ عصمت فروشی کرنا ۔ برا کام کرنا ۔
(1) - Prostitute (n.) A base hireling; a mercenary; one who offers himself to infamous employments for hire.
(2) - Prostitute (n.) A woman giver to indiscriminate lewdness; a strumpet; a harlot.
(3) - Prostitute (a.) Openly given up to lewdness; devoted to base or infamous purposes.
(4) - Prostitute (v. t.) To devote to base or unworthy purposes; to give up to low or indiscriminate use; as, to prostitute talents; to prostitute official powers.
(5) - Prostitute (v. t.) To offer, as a woman, to a lewd use; to give up to lewdness for hire.


ذلیل کام ۔ عسمت فروشی ۔
(1) - Prostitution (n.) The act of setting one's self to sale, or of devoting to infamous purposes what is in one's power; as, the prostitution of abilities; the prostitution of the press.
(2) - Prostitution (n.) The act or practice of prostituting or offering the body to an indiscriminate intercourse with men; common lewdness of a woman.


فحاشی کا دھندا کرنے والا ۔ بھڑوا ۔ چکلا چودھری ۔
(1) - Prostitutor (n.) One who prostitutes; one who submits himself, of or offers another, to vile purposes.