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Index of English words, starting with "ap"

Showing: 121-125 of 299

Page 25 of 60


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جامع کلمہ ۔ کہاوت ۔
(1) - Apophthegm (n.) A short, pithy, and instructive saying; a terse remark, conveying some important truth; a sententious precept or maxim.
(2) - Apophthegm (n.) See Apothegm.


جامع و مانع ۔
(1) - Apophthegmatic (a.) Alt. of Apophthegmatical


بَرون نامیہ ۔ اُبھار ۔ بَڑھاو ۔ عمُوماً ہَڈّی کے مُتعَلِق ۔
(1) - Apophysis (n.) An enlargement at the top of a pedicel or stem, as seen in certain mosses.
(2) - Apophysis (n.) A marked prominence or process on any part of a bone.


لقوہ زدہ ۔ مرگی کا مریض ۔
(1) - Apoplectic (n.) One liable to, or affected with, apoplexy.
(2) - Apoplectic (a.) Alt. of Apoplectical


لقوہ ۔ سکتہ ۔ مرگی ۔
(1) - Apoplexy (n.) Sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary motion, usually caused by pressure on the brain.