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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 1256-1260 of 1424

Page 252 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


بچانے والی ۔ حفاظت کرنے والی ۔
(1) - Protective (a.) Affording protection; sheltering; defensive.


محفوظ طور پر ۔


حامی ۔ محافظ ۔ نگہبان ۔ والی ۔
(1) - Protector (n.) A cardinal, from one of the more considerable Roman Catholic nations, who looks after the interests of his people at Rome; also, a cardinal who has the same relation to a college, religious order, etc.
(2) - Protector (n.) One having the care of the kingdom during the king's minority; a regent.
(3) - Protector (n.) One who, or that which, defends or shields from injury, evil, oppression, etc.; a defender; a guardian; a patron.


حفاظت کرنے کے متعلق ۔ محفوظ کیے گئے علاقے سے متعلق ۔
(1) - Protectoral (a.) Of or pertaining to a protector; protectorial; as, protectoral power.


ایسا علاقہ جو کسی حکومت کے انتظام میں کسی فیصلے کی بناہ پر دیا گیا ہو ۔ حکومت ۔
(1) - Protectorate (n.) The authority assumed by a superior power over an inferior or a dependent one, whereby the former protects the latter from invasion and shares in the management of its affairs.
(2) - Protectorate (n.) Government by a protector; -- applied especially to the government of England by Oliver Cromwell.