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Index of English words, starting with "mu"

Showing: 131-135 of 311

Page 27 of 63


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


متعدد ۔ کثیر ۔ تہ در تہ ۔ گونا گوں ۔
(1) - Multiplicate (a.) Consisting of many, or of more than one; multiple; multifold.


ضرب دینے کا عمل ۔
(1) - Multiplication (n.) The art of increasing gold or silver by magic, -- attributed formerly to the alchemists.
(2) - Multiplication (n.) An increase above the normal number of parts, especially of petals; augmentation.
(3) - Multiplication (n.) The process of repeating, or adding to itself, any given number or quantity a certain number of times; commonly, the process of ascertaining by a briefer computation the result of such repeated additions; also, the rule by which the operation is performed; -- the reverse of division.
(4) - Multiplication (n.) The act or process of multiplying, or of increasing in number; the state of being multiplied; as, the multiplication of the human species by natural generation.


ضربی ۔ افزایش یا تعدد کا رُجحان رکھنے والا ۔ بڑھنے یا زیادہ ہونے کی صلاحیت کا حامل ۔
(1) - Multiplicative (a.) Tending to multiply; having the power to multiply, or incease numbers.


افزایش کے طور پر ۔ ازدیاد کے طریقے سے ۔ ضربی طور پر ۔
(1) - Multiplicatively (adv.) So as to multiply.


کثرت ۔ تنوع ۔
(1) - Multiplicity (n.) The quality of being multiple, manifold, or various; a state of being many; a multitude; as, a multiplicity of thoughts or objects.