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Index of English words, starting with "ri"

Showing: 131-135 of 269

Page 27 of 54


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


بے سرو پا بات ۔ لمبی چوڑی تقریر ۔
(1) - Rigmarole (a.) Consisting of rigmarole; frovolous; nonsensical; foolish.
(2) - Rigmarole (n.) A succession of confused or nonsensical statements; foolish talk; nonsense.


لرزہ ۔ سردی ۔
(1) - Rigor (n.) Violence; force; fury.
(2) - Rigor (n.) Severity of life; austerity; voluntary submission to pain, abstinence, or mortification.
(3) - Rigor (n.) Exactness without allowance, deviation, or indulgence; strictness; as, the rigor of criticism; to execute a law with rigor; to enforce moral duties with rigor; -- opposed to lenity.
(4) - Rigor (n.) Stiffness of opinion or temper; rugged sternness; hardness; relentless severity; hard-heartedness; cruelty.
(5) - Rigor (n.) Severity of climate or season; inclemency; as, the rigor of the storm; the rigors of winter.
(6) - Rigor (n.) See 1st Rigor, 2.
(7) - Rigor (n.) The becoming stiff or rigid; the state of being rigid; rigidity; stiffness; hardness.
(8) - Rigor (n.) A sense of chilliness, with contraction of the skin; a convulsive shuddering or tremor, as in the chill preceding a fever.
(9) - Rigor (n.) Rigidity; stiffness.


اخلاقی یا مذہبی تشدد ۔
(1) - Rigorism (n.) Severity, as of style, or the like.
(2) - Rigorism (n.) Rigidity in principle or practice; strictness; -- opposed to laxity.


تشدد پسند ۔
(1) - Rigorist (n.) One who is rigorous; -- sometimes applied to an extreme Jansenist.


بَعد از مَرگ عضلاتِ جِسم کی سَختی ۔ دَرُشتی ۔