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Index of English words, starting with "ap"

Showing: 136-140 of 299

Page 28 of 60


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


ہادیانہ ۔ رہبرانہ ۔
(1) - Apostolical (a.) Of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy; papal.
(2) - Apostolical (a.) According to the doctrines of the apostles; delivered or taught by the apostles; as, apostolic faith or practice.
(3) - Apostolical (a.) Pertaining to an apostle, or to the apostles, their times, or their peculiar spirit; as, an apostolical mission; the apostolic age.


حواریوں یا ہادیوں کی طرح ۔
(1) - Apostolically (adv.) In an apostolic manner.


حذفیہ ۔ علامت حذف ۔ حذفی ۔
(1) - Apostrophe (n.) The mark ['] used to denote that a word is contracted (as in ne'er for never, can't for can not), and as a sign of the possessive, singular and plural; as, a boy's hat, boys' hats. In the latter use it originally marked the omission of the letter e.
(2) - Apostrophe (n.) The contraction of a word by the omission of a letter or letters, which omission is marked by the character ['] placed where the letter or letters would have been; as, call'd for called.
(3) - Apostrophe (n.) A figure of speech by which the orator or writer suddenly breaks off from the previous method of his discourse, and addresses, in the second person, some person or thing, absent or present; as, Milton's apostrophe to Light at the beginning of the third book of "Paradise Lost."


حذفی ۔
(1) - Apostrophic (a.) Pertaining to an apostrophe, grammatical or rhetorical.


دوا ساز ۔ عطار ۔
(1) - Apothecary (n.) One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes.