Word |
Urdu Meaning |
English Meaning |
adamantly |
ضِد یا لَچَک کے بَغیر ۔ |
adamic |
آدَم سے مُتَعلِق ۔ بَشَری ۔ |
(1) - Adamic (a.) Alt. of Adamical |
adamite |
آدم ذات ۔ |
(1) - Adamite (n.) One of a sect of visionaries, who, professing to imitate the state of Adam, discarded the use of dress in their assemblies. (2) - Adamite (n.) A descendant of Adam; a human being. |
adapt |
مطابق کرنا ۔ موافق کرنا ۔ |
(1) - Adapt (v. t.) To make suitable; to fit, or suit; to adjust; to alter so as to fit for a new use; -- sometimes followed by to or for. (2) - Adapt (a.) Fitted; suited. |
adaptability |
جیسا دیس ویسا بھیس ۔ مطابقت پذیری ۔ |
(1) - Adaptability (n.) Alt. of Adaptableness |