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Index of English words, starting with "to"

Showing: 166-170 of 543

Page 34 of 109


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


زُبان کے تازیانے لگانا ۔ سَختی سے سَرزنِش کرنا ۔ تادیب کرنا ۔


زجر و تبیخ ۔ تادیب ۔ سرزنِش ۔


لُکنَت ۔ عقدۃُ اللِسان ۔ زُبان بَستگی ۔ بولنے میں رُکاوٹ ۔
(1) - Tongue-tie (v. t.) To deprive of speech or the power of speech, or of distinct articulation.
(2) - Tongue-tie (n.) Impeded motion of the tongue because of the shortness of the fraenum, or of the adhesion of its margins to the gums.


گنگ ۔ زُبان بَستہ ۔ جو صاف نہ بول سکے ۔
(1) - Tongue-tied (a.) Unable to speak freely, from whatever cause.
(2) - Tongue-tied (a.) Destitute of the power of distinct articulation; having an impediment in the speech, esp. when caused by a short fraenum.


بے زبان ۔
(1) - Tongueless (a.) Unnamed; not spoken of.
(2) - Tongueless (a.) Hence, speechless; mute.
(3) - Tongueless (a.) Having no tongue.