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Index of English words, starting with "ra"

Showing: 176-180 of 534

Page 36 of 107


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


کمینہ ۔ نیچ ۔
(1) - Ragabash (n.) Alt. of Ragabrash


میلا کچیلا ۔ باجی ۔ پھٹیچر ۔
(1) - Ragamuffin (n.) The long-tailed titmouse.
(2) - Ragamuffin (n.) A person who wears ragged clothing.
(3) - Ragamuffin (n.) A paltry or disreputable fellow; a mean wretch.


طیش ۔ تاؤ ۔ غصہ ۔ آگ بگولہ ہونا ۔ تندی دکھانا ۔ طیش میں آنا ۔ بگڑنا ۔
(1) - Rage (v. t.) To enrage.
(2) - Rage (n.) To toy or act wantonly; to sport.
(3) - Rage (n.) To ravage; to prevail without restraint, or with destruction or fatal effect; as, the plague raged in Cairo.
(4) - Rage (n.) To be violent and tumultuous; to be violently driven or agitated; to act or move furiously; as, the raging sea or winds.
(5) - Rage (n.) To be furious with anger; to be exasperated to fury; to be violently agitated with passion.
(6) - Rage (n.) The subject of eager desire; that which is sought after, or prosecuted, with unreasonable or excessive passion; as, to be all the rage.
(7) - Rage (n.) A violent or raging wind.
(8) - Rage (n.) Especially, anger accompanied with raving; overmastering wrath; violent anger; fury.
(9) - Rage (n.) Violent excitement; eager passion; extreme vehemence of desire, emotion, or suffering, mastering the will.


ناہموار ۔ اونچا نیچا ۔
(1) - Ragged (n.) Rough; shaggy; rugged.
(2) - Ragged (n.) Wearing tattered clothes; as, a ragged fellow.
(3) - Ragged (n.) Hence, harsh and disagreeable to the ear; dissonant.
(4) - Ragged (n.) Broken with rough edges; having jags; uneven; rough; jagged; as, ragged rocks.
(5) - Ragged (n.) Rent or worn into tatters, or till the texture is broken; as, a ragged coat; a ragged sail.
(6) - Ragged (imp. & p. p.) of Rag


پھٹے پُرانے حال سے ۔ پھٹیچر انداز سے ۔ خراب و خستہ حالی ۔