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Index of English words, starting with "ne"

Showing: 181-185 of 364

Page 37 of 73


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


نو افلاطوُنیت کا پَیرو ۔
(1) - Neoplatonism (n.) A pantheistic eclectic school of philosophy, of which Plotinus was the chief (A. D. 205-270), and which sought to reconcile the Platonic and Aristotelian systems with Oriental theosophy. It tended to mysticism and theurgy, and was the last product of Greek philosophy.


(کیمیا) ایک مصنُوعی کیمیاوی مرکّب ۔


جدید ۔ نیا ۔
(1) - Neoteric (n.) One of modern times; a modern.
(2) - Neoteric (a.) Alt. of Neoterical


نِیپالی؛ نِیپال کا باشیندہ؛ نِیپال کی بادشاہت، عوام یا زبان سے متعلِّق ۔


ایسی دوا جو غموں کو بھلا دیتی ہے ۔ غم فراموشی ۔
(1) - Nepenthe (n.) A drug used by the ancients to give relief from pain and sorrow; -- by some supposed to have been opium or hasheesh. Hence, anything soothing and comforting.