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Index of English words, starting with "fa"

Showing: 186-190 of 339

Page 38 of 68


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


جذبہ ۔ مذہبی جنون ۔
(1) - Fanaticism (n.) Excessive enthusiasm, unreasoning zeal, or wild and extravagant notions, on any subject, especially religion; religious frenzy.


شوقین ۔ شائق ۔
(1) - Fancier (n.) One who fancies or has a special liking for, or interest in, a particular object or class or objects; hence, one who breeds and keeps for sale birds and animals; as, bird fancier, dog fancier, etc.
(2) - Fancier (n.) One who is governed by fancy.


وہمی ۔ خیالی ۔ متلون ۔ فرضی ۔
(1) - Fanciful (a.) Curiously shaped or constructed; as, she wore a fanciful headdress.
(2) - Fanciful (a.) Conceived in the fancy; not consistent with facts or reason; abounding in ideal qualities or figures; as, a fanciful scheme; a fanciful theory.
(3) - Fanciful (a.) Full of fancy; guided by fancy, rather than by reason and experience; whimsical; as, a fanciful man forms visionary projects.


انوکھی طرز سے ۔ تلون سے ۔


جَزئیات تک کا خَیال رَکھتے ہُوے ۔ تَخَیّل کے ساتھ ۔