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Index of English words, starting with "ex"

Showing: 191-195 of 696

Page 39 of 140


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


بَطور عِبرَت ۔ مِثالِی طَور پَر ۔ نَظِیری اَنداز میں ۔ سَتائِش کے طَور پَر ۔ پَسَندِیدگِی کے طَور پَر ۔
(1) - Exemplarily (adv.) In a manner fitted or designed to be an example for imitation or for warning; by way of example.


قابِلِ تَقلِید ۔ مِثالی پَن ۔ نَظِیرِیَت ۔ سَبَق آموز ہونا ۔ جو عِبرَتناک ہو ۔
(1) - Exemplariness (n.) The state or quality of being exemplary; fitness to be an example.


مثالی ۔ سبق آموز ۔
(1) - Exemplary (n.) An exemplar; also, a copy of a book or writing.
(2) - Exemplary (a.) Illustrating as the proof of a thing.
(3) - Exemplary (a.) Serving as a warning; monitory; as, exemplary justice, punishment, or damages.
(4) - Exemplary (a.) Serving as a pattern; deserving to be proposed for imitation; commendable; as, an exemplary person; exemplary conduct.


مِثال بَننے کا اہل ۔ نَظِیر پیش کَرنے کے قابِل ۔ مِثالِی پَن کے قابِل ۔ مِثالی حَیثِیَت کے قابِل ۔ قابِلِ تَقلِید ۔
(1) - Exemplifiable (a.) That can be exemplified.


نظیر ۔ توضیح ۔ نقل ۔ مثال ۔
(1) - Exemplification (n.) A copy or transcript attested to be correct by the seal of an officer having custody of the original.
(2) - Exemplification (n.) That which exemplifies; a case in point; example.
(3) - Exemplification (n.) The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.