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Index of English words, starting with "fl"

Showing: 191-195 of 312

Page 39 of 63


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


کاغذ کے گیلے تختے جِنھیں طباعت کے ٹائپ پر دبا کر ایک سانچا بنا لیا جاتا ہے اور پِھر اِس سے ایک پلیٹ ڈھال لی جاتی ہے ۔
(1) - Flong () imp. & p. p. of Fling.


طغیانی ۔ سیلاب ۔ چڑھاؤ ۔ دریا ۔ پانی سے بھر دینا ۔
(1) - Flood (v. t.) To cause or permit to be inundated; to fill or cover with water or other fluid; as, to flood arable land for irrigation; to fill to excess or to its full capacity; as, to flood a country with a depreciated currency.
(2) - Flood (v. t.) To overflow; to inundate; to deluge; as, the swollen river flooded the valley.
(3) - Flood (v. i.) Menstrual disharge; menses.
(4) - Flood (v. i.) A great flow or stream of any fluid substance; as, a flood of light; a flood of lava; hence, a great quantity widely diffused; an overflowing; a superabundance; as, a flood of bank notes; a flood of paper currency.
(5) - Flood (v. i.) The flowing in of the tide; the semidiurnal swell or rise of water in the ocean; -- opposed to ebb; as, young flood; high flood.
(6) - Flood (v. i.) A great flow of water; a body of moving water; the flowing stream, as of a river; especially, a body of water, rising, swelling, and overflowing land not usually thus covered; a deluge; a freshet; an inundation.


پانی چھوڑنے اور روکنے کا دروازہ ۔


افراطِ حَیض ۔ یُوٹرَس سے زیادہ خُون بہنا ۔
(1) - Flooding (n.) An abnormal or excessive discharge of blood from the uterus.
(2) - Flooding (n.) The filling or covering with water or other fluid; overflow; inundation; the filling anything to excess.
(3) - Flooding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Flood


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