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Index of English words, starting with "ob"

Showing: 191-195 of 206

Page 39 of 42


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


مسدّد ۔ سادّ ۔ عروقِ مسددّ ۔ عضلہ سادّ ۔ کِسی قُدرَری یا بَناوٹی ساخت کا کھُلنا یا بَند ہونا ۔
(1) - Obturator (a.) Serving as an obturator; closing an opening; pertaining to, or in the region of, the obturator foramen; as, the obturator nerve.
(2) - Obturator (n.) An apparatus designed to close an unnatural opening, as a fissure of the palate.
(3) - Obturator (n.) That which closes or stops an opening.


بے نوک ۔ بھدا ۔ کند ۔ سست ۔
(1) - Obtuse (superl.) Dull; deadened; as, obtuse sound.
(2) - Obtuse (superl.) Not having acute sensibility or perceptions; dull; stupid; as, obtuse senses.
(3) - Obtuse (superl.) Not pointed or acute; blunt; -- applied esp. to angles greater than a right angle, or containing more than ninety degrees.


کند ذہنی سے ۔ بےوقوفی سے ۔ بے عقلی سے ۔
(1) - Obtusely (adv.) In an obtuse manner.


سستی ۔ بھدا پن ۔
(1) - Obtuseness (n.) State or quality of being obtuse.


کند ہونا ۔ بھدا پن ۔
(1) - Obtusion (n.) The state of being dulled or blunted; as, the obtusion of the senses.
(2) - Obtusion (n.) The act or process of making obtuse or blunt.