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Index of English words, starting with "pr"

Showing: 201-205 of 1424

Page 41 of 285


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


سابقہ ۔ پیش رو ۔
(1) - Predecessor (n.) One who precedes; one who has preceded another in any state, position, office, etc.; one whom another follows or comes after, in any office or position.


قربان گاہ کا چبوترہ ۔ قربان گاہ کی سب سے اونچی جگہ ۔
(1) - Predella (n.) The step, or raised secondary part, of an altar; a superaltar; hence, in Italian painting, a band or frieze of several pictures running along the front of a superaltar, or forming a border or frame at the foot of an altarpiece.


کِسی مَنصَب کے لِیے پَہلے سے نامزَد کر دینا ۔
(1) - Predesignate (a.) A term used by Sir William Hamilton to define propositions having their quantity indicated by a verbal sign; as, all, none, etc.; -- contrasted with preindesignate, defining propositions of which the quantity is not so indicated.


پَہلے سے نامزَدگی ۔ پیش نامزَدگی ۔


مسئلہ جبر کا قائل ۔ تقدیر کا قائل ۔
(1) - Predestinarian (n.) One who believes in or supports the doctrine of predestination.
(2) - Predestinarian (a.) Of or pertaining to predestination; as, the predestinarian controversy.