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Index of English words, starting with "lo"

Showing: 206-210 of 387

Page 42 of 78


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


لمبا سا ۔
(1) - Longish (a.) Somewhat long; moderately long.


طول ۔ لمبائی ۔
(1) - Longitude (n.) The distance in degrees, reckoned from the vernal equinox, on the ecliptic, to a circle at right angles to the ecliptic passing through the heavenly body whose longitude is designated; as, the longitude of Capella is 79¡.
(2) - Longitude (n.) The arc or portion of the equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the meridian of some other place from which longitude is reckoned, as from Greenwich, England, or sometimes from the capital of a country, as from Washington or Paris. The longitude of a place is expressed either in degrees or in time; as, that of New York is 74¡ or 4 h. 56 min. west of Greenwich.
(3) - Longitude (n.) Length; measure or distance along the longest line; -- distinguished from breadth or thickness; as, the longitude of a room; rare now, except in a humorous sense.


لمبا ۔ طولائی ۔
(1) - Longitudinal (n.) A railway sleeper lying parallel with the rail.
(2) - Longitudinal (a.) Extending in length; in the direction of the length; running lengthwise, as distinguished from transverse; as, the longitudinal diameter of a body.
(3) - Longitudinal (a.) Of or pertaining to longitude or length; as, longitudinal distance.


طولاً ۔ لمبائی میں ۔
(1) - Longitudinally (adv.) In the direction of length.


ساحل کے قریب پایا جانے والا ۔
(1) - Longshore (a.) Belonging to the seashore or a seaport; along and on the shore.