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Index of English words, starting with "fl"

Showing: 211-215 of 312

Page 43 of 63


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


پھُولوں سے سَجا ہُوا ۔ گُلدَستَہ ۔ گُل صُورَت ۔
(1) - Floriated (a.) Having floral ornaments; as, floriated capitals of Gothic pillars.


دوغلے غُلابوں کی ایک قِسَم ۔ زِیادہ اور بَڑے پھُولوں والی قِسَم ۔


پھولوں کی کاشت ۔ پھولو ں پر داخت ۔
(1) - Floriculture (n.) The cultivation of flowering plants.


پھول مالی ۔ پھولو ںکی کاشت کا شوقین ۔ پھول کاشت کرنے والا ۔
(1) - Floriculturist (n.) One skilled in the cultivation of flowers; a florist.


رنیگین ۔ پھولوں سے سجا ہوا ۔ گل بہار ۔
(1) - Florid (a.) Flowery; ornamental; running in rapid melodic figures, divisions, or passages, as in variations; full of fioriture or little ornamentations.
(2) - Florid (a.) Embellished with flowers of rhetoric; enriched to excess with figures; excessively ornate; as, a florid style; florid eloquence.
(3) - Florid (a.) Bright in color; flushed with red; of a lively reddish color; as, a florid countenance.
(4) - Florid (a.) Covered with flowers; abounding in flowers; flowery.