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Index of English words, starting with "pa"

Showing: 211-215 of 835

Page 43 of 167


Urdu Meaning

English Meaning


وہ چارہ جو سور جنگل میں کھاتے ہیں ۔ سور کا کھانا ۔
(1) - Pannage (n.) A tax paid for the privilege of feeding swine in the woods.
(2) - Pannage (n.) The food of swine in the woods, as beechnuts, acorns, etc.; -- called also pawns.


ٹوکری ۔ بٹی ۔ بند ٹوکری ۔
(1) - Pannier (n.) A framework of steel or whalebone, worn by women to expand their dresses; a kind of bustle.
(2) - Pannier (n.) A table waiter at the Inns of Court, London.
(3) - Pannier (n.) A shield of basket work formerly used by archers as a shelter from the enemy's missiles.
(4) - Pannier (n.) A bread basket; also, a wicker basket (used commonly in pairs) for carrying fruit or other things on a horse or an ass


کٹورا ۔ آنجورہ ۔
(1) - Pannikin (n.) A small pan or cup.


غُباری پَردَہ ۔ قَرنیَہ کے پَردے کی سُرخی ۔
(1) - Pannus (n.) A very vascular superficial opacity of the cornea, usually caused by granulation of the eyelids.


آنکھ کے گولے کی تَمام بافتوں کی سوزِش ۔